For over thirty years Embrace Foundation, has defended the Human Rights of people discriminated against, or violated in
any way, based on their culture, class, caste, race, tribe, clan or religious/ philosophical or spiritual beliefs. Among those we
have defended have been the Baha’is in Iran, the Tibetans in Tibet and the Palestinians in the Holy Land.
We adamantly believe that governments (and government officials) exist only to serve “the people” that “the
people” do not exist to serve governments.
Embrace is involved with grassroots people entirely and therefore, has no political interest in the various forms of
government with one exception. The Embrace Founders strongly believe in a division between political states and state
endorsed ethnicity, culture, class, caste, race, sect, tribe or clan in addition to religion or spiritual belief, that is we believe
the most just states are secular states or states that specifically insure citizen equality, as well as, legally protect
religious freedom.
The Founders in no way support or approve of political states that define themselves as: Buddhist states,
Christian states, Hindu states, Jewish states or Muslim states. We absolutely reject any concept that one citizen is
superior to another by virtue of their culture, race, sect, class, caste, clan, tribe or religious, philosophical or spiritual
We believe in the art of diplomacy which during this period in history seems to have been completely destroyed by the
injection of ludicrously obvious spies and intelligence agents into consulates and embassies. Around the world everyone
expects all diplomats to merely be spies. Most useful information in this day and age comes from travelling, meeting
people, being observant and having common sense.
…With regard to the Media. If a media source we recommend is taken over by propaganda agents representing a bigoted
and hate mongering government , we will continue to expose them as agents spreading malice and disinformation.
For all our non-political friends in Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf, Turkey and so forth, you might be surprised to know that the
mosques in many cities in the United States, are spiritual home to people of all Islamic sects. This includes New York City
and Albuquerque. Do not listen or believe in propaganda spreading distrust and disinformation between you.
Embrace Foundation is a non-profit,
educational foundation set up to create
better understanding between people of
different religions, cultures, traditions and
world philosophies.
Embrace Foundation works to bring leaders
and scholars of world-wide religions,
cultures and philosophies together by
sponsoring forums, seminars, lectures and
developing an international exchange
program. Embrace Foundation is particularly
concerned with reaching the world public
through the media.