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Defense Industry as Community Builders
International Space Station - Photo courtesy of NASA
Retooling the Defense Industry
for Solving the Over-Population Problem with
International Space Agencies, Space Cities & Ingenuity
What Our Competitive World Is Facing Shortages Of:
Clean Oceans for Harvesting Fish, Kelp & Seaweed
(Free of Nuclear Runoff, Garbage & Industrial /Chemical Poisons)
Fertile Land Suitable for Farming
(Multinational Agro Businesses are Buying Millions of Acres in Siberia &
South America, while desertification encroaches North Africa & many
other parts of the world)
Garbage Dumps
(They are Filling Up Faster Than New Ones Can be Found -
The Waste Unless it has Oxygen Pumped Into it to Stimulate Enzyme Activity,
Take Decades To Break Down -
Toxic Garbage makes Landfills Useless for Building Sites or Farming)
Land for Wildlife to Live On
(Particularly Acute in Asia & Africa - In India, World Wildlife Federation Wildlife Parks are inhabited in Growing Numbers
by Tribal People, who have No Where else to Live. Tribal people do laundry & wash in streams with Soap where Tigers
and Elephants drink, because they have No Other Place to go)
(China Has Been Buying Up Copper Mines and other mines around the world, Western Multinationals instead of
negotiating, are utilizing intelligence agents and mercenaries to destabilize countries Worldwide)
Nuclear Waste
(China is Recycling Their Spent Nuclear Rods from Power Plants - However in the USA - Nuclear Waste can be found
under Airport Runways, Packed into the interior of Mountains & Stuffed into Dirty Bombs laying throughout the Iraqi Desert.)
Critical Note:
There have been major fires in Los Alamos, (USA) near the nuclear lab. There were
30,000 containers of nuclear waste standing across the road from the most recent fire.
This is the second time in less than 10 years that a fire has threatened nuclear waste & the lab.
(The Oil Industry (USA) helped initiate two wars recently in conjuction with the lobbying efforts of the Defense Industry
(USA) and a media disinformation campaign waged at the behest of Middle East Special Interests. While the same trio
is attempting to launch a war against Iran, many nations - such as France and India - have friendly contracts with Iran and
are not inclined to give those contracts up, nor are they willing to slaughter Iranian civilians who have even less to do with
their politicians than most Westerners have with their elected officials.)
Potable Water
(Acute Worldwide -Acceptible for Drinking & Cooking - Many Multinationals
are Attempting to buy ALL Water Rights in Parts of the World -Such as was done by Coca Cola in Kerla, India through
corrupt Politicians - With the Resultant Wave of Farmer Suicides)
Rare Earths
(Needed for Sophisticated Electronics - Japan is Recycling From Used Computer Parts - Since China once Refused to sell
Rare Earths to Japan Over Fishing Rights Disputes)
Toxic Waste Disposal
(Places to Release Toxic Chemicals, Biological Weapons Grade Pathogens)
Unpolluted Air
(How Many People Around the World now suffer From Asthma &
Lung Related Diseases?)
The Pros & Cons of The Defense Industry
Iraq During War
Lebanon Rebuilt After War
Space Cities & Defense Contractors

If the population of the world continues to increase at the rate at which it has done since the 1950’s, our human
race will have to have new homes in space prepared and ready within a century, if not sooner. Without scientific
advances with regard to cleaning up our polluted earth, air and water and finding alternatives to natural
resources such as rare earths and oil, we will need to find a new home and lifestyle quickly.
In the 1st century A.D. the population of the world was 300 million people. In 1950, the population was 2.5 billion
and in just 40 years (1990) the population doubled to 5 billion people. Every day 490,000 new humans enter the
world. Every minute 150 babies are born. In September 2011, the population hit 7 billion.
The most populated countries are:
1.) China 2.) India 3.) United States (America) 4.) Indonesia 5.) Brazil 6.) Pakistan 7.) Bangladesh 8.) Nigeria 9.)
Russia 10.) Japan
However, this is not totally representative, as density is the real issue.
Countries such as: India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan and Nigeria have no room to expand.
China, on the other hand, if it has the will and determination, could find a way to inhabit the Gobi Desert which is
a vast almost totally deserted area. The innovative Chinese are already venturing into partial underground cities.
Southeastern Asian countries which are not listed as the most populous places, live under excruciatingly dense
conditions because their geographical area is small with no room to expand. One needs to look at population
density per square mile. For instance the most populous country by people per square mile in Macau which has
73,350 people per square mile and has only six square miles to the entire island! The Gaza has 9,713 individuals
per square mile with only 147 square miles. On the other hand, Mongolia has just 5 people per square mile and
609,247 square miles total. It is necessary to understand that the large tracts of open land are all extreme desert
areas or are frozen.
The Telegraph (U.K.)
Stephen Hawking: mankind must move to outer space within a century.The human race must look to outer space
within the next century or it will become extinct, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned.
Stephen Hawking believes the future of mankind lies away from Earth Photo: PA
By Richard Alleyne -
Science Correspondent
09th Aug 2010
The renowned astrophysicist said he fears mankind is in great danger and its future "must be in space" if it is to survive.
In an interview he said threats to the existence of the human race such as war, resource depletion and overpopulation
meant it was at its greater risk ever.
Although a long advocate of colonising space in order to continue man's reign, this is his direst warning to date.
"It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand or million," he told the
"Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward looking on planet Earth but to spread out into space.
"We have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years,
our future is in space.
"That is why I'm in favour of manned, or should I say 'personed', space flight."
Earlier this year Professor Hawking warned that exploring space may not be entirely
without risk. In a series for the Discovery Channel, he said humans should be wary about making contact with alien life
forms as they may not be friendly. But he said as long as we remained the only intelligent life in our galaxy and avoided
destroying ourselves we should be safe.
"I see great dangers for the human race," Hawking said. "There have been a number of times in the past when its survival
has been a question of touch and go. The Cuban missile crisis in 1963 was one of these. The frequency of such occasions
is likely to increase in the future."
"But I'm an optimist. If we can avoid disaster for the next two centuries, our species should be safe, as we spread into
space," he said. Getting to another planet will prove a challenge, not to mention colonising it for humanity.
Katherine Freese, a University of Michigan astrophysicist, told Big Think that "the nearest star [to Earth] is Proxima Centauri
which is 4.2 light years away. That means that, if you were travelling at the speed of light the whole time, it would take 4.2
years to get there" - or about 50,000 years using current rocket science.
Space Cities, Roaming Spaceship Cities, this is where the defense contractors working with NASA and the Russian,
Chinese, Indian and European space agencies comes into play. This is what could be a life-giving constructive aspect of the
defense industry.
Universal Ethical Considerations
There are two issues which need to be addressed, because no doubt some
individuals perusing this theme will ponder on them.
1. If the world is over-populated, why is war evil?
The answer from the perspective of all religions and humanist philosophies is that killing another human being out of
malice, hatred or greed creates a long cycle of suffering for individuals, humankind and the planet for years to come. The
motive for war is generally the determining factor of its justification or level of justification.
Of course, among many on this planet there is a presumption that people of intelligence, stature and character
will eventually prevail in public life; that those who seek to bribe and blackmail public servants will be put on trial
and put in jail; that diplomacy, wise use of speech and the elimination of the basic vice of avariciousness will
allow countries to operate without resorting to war. Some religions do not believe in violence under any
circumstances, such as practising Buddhists, Jains and the Society of Friends. But they also agree that motive
dictates the lesser of evils in killing.
There is no question among any of the ethical philosophies / theologies that any nation initiating a war on behalf of an
industrial or foreign lobby coveting the natural resources or land of another nation is equivalent to murdering a person many
times over to steal their business or property. The murder of any person or group of people with malice and calculated
forethought is a definition of unmitigated “evil.” In addition, the execution of a propaganda (disinformation/ misinformation) /
slander campaign in the media to justify the genocide of others is an equal if not more pernicious “evil.”
From the perspective of our planet, consider how all chemical, biological and nuclear weapons are bringing about the
destruction of our home’s delicate ecological balance. Does anyone really think that bombs filled with used nuclear waste
are harmless to the environment? - what about the Bedouin who travel through the Iraqi desert or their animals? Is any
individual really foolish enough to think the detonation of a nuclear device in the ocean doesn’t kill trillions of living creatures
and contaminate those that survive?
Any type of detonated bomb that does not kill humans can still wipe out an entire micro-biosphere as well as, wild and
domestic animals we love and that many people depend on for their livelihood. Think of the mustard gas and land mines still
buried in the soil throughout Europe after the First World War. The war ended in 1918! Every year people in Europe still die
from World War I weapons!
The First People of the Americas and many other indigenous people through out the world have been trying to warn
humanity of the repercussions of violating the earth. Much of what they predicted long ago is coming to pass. Mother Earth
is damaged by industry, population overgrowth which has lead to pollution of all types and by war. So for a moment, let’s
ponder the injunctions of a few of the world’s religious / spiritual texts with regard to covetousness, greed, malice and
The Torah (Old Testament)
The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons. . . . “I bring punishment on those who hate me (act against my
commandments) and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation. But I show my love to
thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my laws.” Deuteronomy 5.1
Of The TEN Commandments which take precedence over all other laws in the Torah the following apply to war and the
machinations involved in leading to war:
6.) Do not murder
8.) Do not steal
9.) Do not accuse anyone falsely
10.) Do not desire another man’s wife; do not desire his house, his land, his slaves, his cattle, his donkeys or anything
else he owns.
Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5
Bible (The New Testament)
“Do not lay up for yourselves riches on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, lay up
for yourselves riches in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For
where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon (Riches & Material Wealth).
As you sow, so shall you reap.
How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man out of
his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of
judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be justified , and by
your words you will be condemned.
Bible (New Testament) Book of Matthew
“Allah does not forbid you, with regard to those who do not fight you for your Faith nor drive you out of you homes, from
dealing kindly and justly with them, for Allah loves those who are just.”
“Fair in the eyes of men, is the love of things they covet: women and sons; heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; . .
.Such are the possessions of this world’s life; but nearness to Allah is the best of goals.”
(If an individual values material possessions above all else and commits injustices to get those material advantages then
the Qur’an states:)
“Do you then feel secure that He will not cause you to be swallowed up beneath the earth when you are on land,
or that He will not send against you a violent tornado (with showers of stones?)
Qur’an Suras
Arjuna said: O descendant of Varshneya, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?
The Lord said: It is desire, it is wrath, begotten by Adharma, all-consuming, all-polluting, know this as our foe here on
Thus, a man’s pure consciousness is covered by his eternal enemy in the form of desire (covetousness), which is
never satisfied and which burns like fire.
Thus knowing oneself to be transcendental to material senses, mind and intelligence, one should control the lower self by
the higher self and thus - by spiritual strength - conquer the insatiable enemy known as desire.
Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 3 Text 37
The Book of Tao
"When the Tao prevails in the world swift horses are used to fertilize the fields.
When the Tao is unheeded War horses are bred on the border lands.
There is no greater offense than harboring desires.
There is nogreater disaster than discontent.
There is nogreater misfortune than wanting more.
Hence, if you are content
You will always have enough."
The Tao, The Sacred Way #46
2. The second question is for those groups of people who feel that they must live in an exclusivist society, made
up of only people of their tradition, what incentive is there to try integrating them into a new world?
Certainly, not much from the scientists point of view.
The Embrace Founders have never supported the concept of exclusivist states whether defined by a religion, a sect of a
particular religion, a philosophy, a culture, a race, class, caste, tribe or clan. In a world as crowded as ours, such a concept
is backward and outdated. (We do not include in this, geographic areas set aside for indiginous people.)
If the experiment that is the United States (America) has taught humanity anything, it is that creativity and innovation are
fueled by both freedom and the contrasting ideas of diverse people from diverse backgrounds. The inventions and
innovations that have been created and developed in the United States (America) and in Europe have come from citizens
and immigrants of all races, religions and backgrounds. Those countries whose prejudice has rejected outsiders different
from themselves as citizens still crave the inventions and innovations coming from the same people they refuse to allow to
live or prosper in their countries. A successful Humanity is not “us” versus “them,” it is “me” with “them.” A part of the whole
that makes up the entire “Divine Expression.”
To become all that Humanity has the potential to become we must learn to appreciate the qualities of each
individual as an individualand “Celebrate our Humanity.”
Embrace Foundation is a non-profit,
educational foundation set up to create
better understanding between people of
different religions, cultures, traditions and
world philosophies.
Embrace Foundation works to bring leaders
and scholars of world-wide religions,
cultures and philosophies together by
sponsoring forums, seminars, lectures and
developing an international exchange
program. Embrace Foundation is particularly
concerned with reaching the world public
through the media.
Embrace Foundation is an all volunteer
organization. All donations go directly to
Embrace Foundation does not and has
never given permission to any outside
organization to solicit or receive
contributions on our behalf.
All donations should be made to Embrace
Foundation only via Paypal or by mail. All
donations are tax deductible. A receipt will
be emailed to you. Please click on the Pay
Pal link below to Donate.
Travel As An Interfaith Act
Embrace encourages all who can do so, to
learn about other traditions and cultures by
traveling as “Grassroots Diplomats.” We
hope that people every where become life
long students of our world-wide humanity.
“ In every man there is something wherein I
may learn of him, and in that I am his pupil.”
Embrace Humanity
Great Visions - TV
Guests are: Swami Satchidananda &
the Rt. Reverend Dean Parks Morton
Embrace Archives
Limited Editions Gallery
Umrah - Jordan
Embrace Sacred Places
Monastery of Bahira - Syria
Embrace Foundation Universal
Monk Reading - Ethiopia
Thank you for making a donation.
Virginia (Embrace), Dr.Anwar Barkat (World Council of Churches, UN) & Imam I.H. Kauser
Embrace Archives
Great Visions TV
Anne-Stuart & Ajata (Hosts), with Rabbi Gelberman & Dr.Jayaraman
Anne-Stuart & Ajata (Hosts), with Rabbi Carlebach & Imam Kauser
Embrace Foundation International
1.) Keeps People Employed
The Defense Industry Employs Many People Who Might Otherwise be Caught in This Worldwide Economic Depression
2.) The Defense Industry Employs Some of the Most Creative & Inventive Minds In the Sciences
This is the primary reason the defense industry can retool its' agenda
1.) The Majority of Elected Officials in the U.S.A. are Owned by Defense Contractors
2.) Previously - To Continue to Accrue Increasing Profits to offer Stockholders, Defense Contractors will
continue to Lobby for:
A.) Expanded Wars
B.) Longer Wars
C.) Selling Arms and War "Goods to More and More Countries.
As inflation rapidly increases in the United States and the dollar declines in usage around the world, the military industrial
complex is beginning to unravel. Sadly, war profiteers have sold the American taxpayer billions of dollars worth of defective
and useless equipment and weapons. Unfortunately, the American people no longer have Mike Wallace of the then mostly
integrity-oriented “60 Minutes” television show. Mr. Wallace frequently reported defense contractor corruption with the best
interests of the American people at heart. (Remember the stories on hammers USA $50 - Euro 45.38 the U.S. military
purchased by the warehouseful and Government Services Administration warehouses filled with unused bathrobes and
other stories on multi million dollar planes outdated with cost overruns before even being near completion?)
This corruption and decline will be noted in the Holy Land as well. Citizens of the Holy Land shouldn't have forgotten the
defective gas masks and patriot missiles given to them during the first Gulf War.
The grassroots people of the United States and the Holy Land need to understand that the best interests of the young men
and women in the armed services and the citizens of these countries have no influence whatsoever on the agenda of those
operating arms deals and defense contracts.
In the Holy Land most of the military and intelligence leaders are literally mafia involved in every unscrupulous business
they can dominate, contaminating many banks, Wall Street Investment firms, lobbying organizations and numerous
governments around the world (through blackmail, bribes and dirty money.) This is because no one has been willing to
speak out. - No Elliot Nesses in the Holy Land.- They have sold weapons to both sides of every conflict, including
those in the Middle East.
In the United States, the Wall Street bankers, corrupt corporations spawned in an environment of wholesale greed and
government sanctioned mercenary forces have stolen billions of the American grassroots citizens tax dollars and
destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions of grassroots people around the world who had no political agenda with the
United States whatsoever. Grassroots people - children, the elderly, the hospitalized murdered for no reason, businesses
blown up, schools, hospitals blown up - millions of refugees flooding neighboring countries.
The good news is that this corrupt system is now dying without hope of reprieve as the American dollar dies.
NEW OPTIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD For any citizen in any country paying taxes to:
Keep defense contractors profitable - with the possible side benefit of providing a relative, neighbor or countryman with a
Would you rather have "government subsidized contractors" utilizing the scientific brains at their disposal to
New efficient landmines to blow the limbs off of children or perhaps newer better cluster bombs to incinerate a bus
filled with civilians . . .
Or would you rather have them recycle used nuclear rods and build oxygen delivery systems that will break down
garbage dumps in a fraction of the time it takes Nature?
The Fact Is: Defense industry scientists are some of the best scientists in the world. There is not one problem we have
cited on the Ecological Shortages list that can not be addressed and improved by scientists having the freedom to dedicate
themselves to these problems full time.
Furthermore, the inventions they create can be, without doubt, profitable because they are problems afflicting the
entire planet.